Sunday, October 13, 2013

The life of a journalist

The life of a journalist

Journalist is a person who always leads an eventful life. He is the one who bridges people and the world happenings through news and information. He has to hunt for his prey as a tiger and a fox. Though his life is restless into a certain extent, really it is an interesting one.
Journalist facilities the common public to get the insight of each and every corner of the world. He takes troubles to make the people aware about the significant day to day happenings around him.
He is permitted to enter the associate the society that is beyond our reach. Sometimes he has to face many challenges and even harsh experiences according to his profession. But it is his duty to provide with the latest and authentic materials to the editors of news papers and magazines.
His career makes him travel a lot. It is also an added advantage for a person to broaden his capacity of knowledge. He discovers so many unknown areas not only to quench his thirsty for news but to appease the hunger of general people too.
Although journalist takes a great pain to hunt ins and outs of each and every corner. Very rarely he is concerned and appreciated. In our little island too journalist is not high elevated. Today he has become a victim of wrong political frame. He is a Lilliputian among the gigantic puppet politicians.
So this situation is very pathetic where the justice is concerned. What sort of busy life he spends sacrificing all his personal problems. There are some crucial instances too where they were attacked and crushed as an ill consequence of party politics. To make our lives interesting, silently he is partly contributed. There won’t be newspapers if not the enthusiasive  journalists. Therefore it is our duty to safe guard the name and frame of the journalist.

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