Monday, October 21, 2013

Healthy mind in a healthy body.

Healthy mind in a healthy body.

“ Healthy mind often resides only in a healthy body…” this is not a fancy but a scientific fact. A man who suffers from no illness is indeed a happy person whose brain cells are more active than unhealthy. Good heath is precious gift bestowed by the nature and it always dispels the gloom like the rays of the morning sun. healthy man is warm heartedly welcomed by the society where ever he goes.

First of all, I would like to stress you on one of the main reasons of health. The primary need of the human body is a balanced diet. Our body needs a certain amount of calories everyday in the form of cereals, milk fruits and green vegetables. This food should be rich with main nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates and minerals. Not only the diet but exercises too serve great purpose where the good physic is concerned. For you are young children, sports is the best thing to be involved. Daily activities like walking, running and skipping are very helpful for you to enhance your vigor and maintain your health. Also your little good habits do an enormous help in this regard unwarily. If you can make it a habit to rise early in the morning you must not be lazy to take a brisk walk with the rising sun if possible. And plenty of water should be taken at regular intervals.” Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise…..” do not think about heavy full protein diets. Avoid too much sugar and savory food. Get use to simple meal. Eat a little, but with a contented mind.

Mental happiness and contentment is the other side of this coin. You can be pleased with a simple act. Even a little thing such as helping others : complying a request of other friend  may make you feel happy. Must lead a stress free life. Don’t be very serious in day to day happenings. Be practical with little health habits.
I may wind up wishing you all good health.

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