Disasters of the world
life is often full of tides. Unexpected painful happenings always hamper the
world process of life style. Of them, Natural disasters are the most
unpredictable things man ever faces. Regardless of colour, cast creed, religion
or race these miserable happenings coil our lives in the nick of time.
quakes, exploitation of volcanoes, Tsunami, Tornados, Hurricanes, Sandstorms, Whirlwinds,
Floods, and Landslides are some of the main natural disasters. According to the
climatic factors, weather conditions of the country and the season or the
location. The gravity of the disaster becomes more or less. However the man
cannot run away from these situations or reject these wretched things. Somehow
or other he has to face the music of life. The whole world experiences the
ill-consequences of natural disasters.
nine years back we, Sri Lankans have become the victims of the most crucial
natural disaster Tsunami which affected the most of the Asian countries bordered
to the Indian ocean. Tsunami or the massive provocated wave formed by an
underwater earthquake or a volcanic eruption, moved at speeds between 500 and
800 kph which has enormous destructive power. This is the most murderous
natural calamity which snatched more than fifty thousand lives and displaced
over a million. Thousand of destitute have taken refuge in near by temples and
people react to disaster reveals something important about human beings. These were
a lot of spontaneous measures to offer
relief aids for the needy.
our little island never experience the cruelty of volcanoes, earthquakes and Tornadoes
but Landslides or minor earth slips. In these great catastrophes there is
something significant that we have been craving for. It is the harmony and the
unity among the nations of the Sri Lanka.
Not only the rebuild the country, but
to reconstruct the broken spirits of the victims too is highly concerned. With every
flood, storm or earth slip the earth reminds us that we are never safe.
Disasters snatch valuable lives, cause confessions and change our life for
years but it is the way we face these devastations, which show our strength of
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