Saturday, October 12, 2013



There was a little girl who used to vomit after every meal. Her parents too her to see many doctors and specialists to find out what was wrong with her. After many tests, and a lot of suffering, they were told that their child was allergic to coloured food. They couldn’t believe that there was such a allergy. The child was asked to avoid foods with colour of any kind. She thought that was just medical statement, and continued to ask for food of all kinds. This was a major problem for the parents, since most modern food consists of natural or artificial colours. In desperation, they explained to that only colourless or white things could be eaten.
Once again, she smiled and accepted the explanation, little realizing what she was in for. When she asked for a Smak , they said only the white was okay; when she demanded chocolates, they didn’t know what to do, because white chocolate is so expensive! She insisted on eating sweets, like any little girl, but the parents who were responsible for her health, couldn’t give in to her demands. The father had graduated from the Science Faculty on University, and felt very sorry for his daughter. He associated with doctors involved in medical research, and appealed to them to help.
He complained of the difficulty of curbing all his child’s desires on the grounds of medical reasoning. The mother was thankful for small mercies at least there were some colourless, white items could get her daughter, like thambili, lemonade, sprite, pumpkin preserve, and white marshmallows. Her husband thought she was crazy to be consistently buying sweets, but she felt very sorry for her daughter who was deprived of coloured sweets.
Her impression of life changed because she felt her child was suffering and leading a “colourless” life, when childhood was supposed to be full of joy and colour.

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